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Xpresso Reads

Reading is my drug. I love to get lost in a great book to escape into worlds that are usually much cooler than mine! >.<

Currently reading

Imogen Howson
The Beautiful and the Cursed
If I Were You (Inside Out Trilogy, #1)
Lisa Renee Jones
As The World Dies Untold Tales Volume 3
Rhiannon Frater

Damaged: A Maggie O'Dell Novel (Maggie O'Dell Novels)

Damaged: A Maggie O'Dell Novel (Maggie O'Dell Novels) - Alex Kava Alex Kava books are always very good if not great. But this one could have been much much more if it was simply longer. Only 262 pages made it seem like the story was only beginning and it was finished. Some chapters near the end ended in a cliff hanger and she only added an "Oh and by the way, this is what happened to this guy" sentence at the end to tie up that loose end. All in all, the story had great potential, it was still a good book, but I felt that it was missing too much story line and it had already ended.